
What we made


Smaller sized Webdesign projects & Start-up's

Small Website  Portfolio: Start-up & Smaller website design

Projects for Medium sized companies

 Portfolio: Medium size Companies Medium size Website

Organisation  Portfolio: Organisations

Projects for Organisations & (semi) Government

 Portfolio Enterprise Companies Enterprise

Projects for larger Enterprise & Publisher

AlexxDesign portfolio showcases versatility in Webdesign & Web Development gained through working with a diverse range of companies across various industries.

AlexxDesign portfolio showcases versatility in Webdesign & Web Development, having worked with both Start-up's all the way to Multinational enterprises.

Projects range from smaller companies to large-scale enterprises, highlights the ability to adapt to different client needs and demonstrates skills in creating visually appealing and functional websites to a wide range of clients.

.. and a few teasers ..

Contact AlexxDesign for a quote about your project.